Lilly Holiday The Myth, the Mother.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Corsets the making of: Vol. 1!

So I've started making a corset now mind you this isn't the first time I've made a corset; however that was ten years ago (god I'm old!) and sewing as I found is NOT like riding a horse. I have been bucked off that sewing machine many a time now and I'm starting to get in the swing of it. I've been using a butterick's pattern #4254 but I got it in the wrong size....Oh good lord. So now I have a size down a 12 to a 6!!!

But it's my first one in a minute so I'm trying to not be so hard on my self and I've been making okay progress on the beast. And I've never thought a light board would come so in handy while sewing, thank you Matt for my super cute pink light board!

Here's what I've done so far. I'm just in lust with that color! But I still need to put the busk on and the boning in....long long long! way to go.
Up date soon!
Love and Excelsior

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Of Blood Oranges, Fashion shows and Broken Windows

My week thus far...

On Sunday I went to the Pink Palor Fest which looked super cool and every one of the vendors I loved and I modeled for my friend Laura of Candy Spooky fame. The Fashion show was super unorganized that she deservers to get her money back for sure!

She was treated compeltly like shit example: she was told she could only have five models five looks, other designers had more models and quick changes! and they all paid the same amount to be apart of the show! B.S. yo. And the way the producer's man was talking to her! Oh my lord if she didn't want her money back OMG!

I was going to grab the mic away from one of the little punk rock acts and freak out on stage at them. But calmer head previled (Laura's not mine!) and we left quitly....and there I was ready to be very punk rock about it and steal the curtains for her. she could have pulled a Miss O'Hara and made a cute little frock out them! Oh well. I Guess it's better to have manners and save face. Less fun but good for her for showing class! Even when I was ready to be a hooligan! Who's the older one? Oh well.

Me trying to get back stage or rather back stable.

So Lover went to Fentia? Fendia? I don't know some Burning Man pre-party in the middle of the mexican desert so no weekend lovings for me but I did get full use of his PS3, car and puppy. Sounds super fun right? It was until he's car window was busted out and truck was broken into on Monday morning the day he was suppose to get back.....Yeah I haven't had a melt down like that in a good long time. I think I cried three times in the middle Von's while asking the produce manager about blood oranges.

Nothing like having a compelt stranger comforting you while you cry over the fact that they didn't have frest blood oranges. I'm pretty sure everyone in that vons now things I'm a compelt lunatic. At Von's I got the makings of meat loaf, blood oranges and of course a 12 pack of ice cream sandwich's of which I ate 4 of in a span of about 3 hours while crying.

I had no idea of how Lover was going to take this, I called everyone in my phone book in a compelt panic. Thank god my friends are actual friends and give sound advise cuz I think if someone would have told me to stand on my head for 15 minutes and everything would be just fine I would have done it. I cleaned out the car and then taped the window...and then I processed to clean his whole house and made him meat loaf with aspareagus, mashed potatoes and gravy....with him not even home yet. And yes I am compeltly and painfully aware that this has little to nothing to do with me and I was freaking out over nothing. But the one time something is left in my care the window is broken out of the effen thing! It most likly had more to do with the that this was durning my "moon time" as it where....No wonder Lover left the country.

When Lover got home he only calmly asked what happened to his car then simply said: "Man that sucks. Oh well I had a great weekend." I wanted to burst into tears....again. All that worring over that. Oh well that's what I get from being an emotional train wreck durning my ladies troubles.

Tuesday I got paid to work out (other wise known as gogo dancing!) which was pretty sweet. Strech! and Point! Strech and Point! Now shimmy! I was dressed up like a greak goddess but I kinda just looked more like a belly dancer and Esther Williams had sex and nine months later I came out! I got a ton of business cards and I can find all of them save for the AH-MAZING! Artist named Vanassia? that wants to paint me! Shit balls! oh well the one thing I can bank on is that I will see her again cuz the promotors loved me, well I'm pretty sure they loved my strech point and shimmy, more or less. That and San Diego is the biggest little city like ever.

Well that's all the updates for now.

Love and Excelsior!
Leia aka Lilly Holiday

Friday, March 12, 2010

TGIF? Bull dude.

I don't know how I managed to get almost nothing done from Monday's list but what can I say that's jut how I roll.

As far as work goes I'm pleased say that I'm no longer booth rent I'm commission which in turn means that I can make a livable income! Woot! I still how ever have yet to go color shopping, damn it.

As for the Artist of the month or rather Artists the husband and wife team of Brook and Jason has hung there art in the salon and it looks great! They'll be putting up their bio and info in the next week and having a reception at the end of the month.

Check out there work here and they also have an Etsy page (The link is on their page).


Have not gotten one thing done except for find out when the ballet classes are. I went and checked out the Stage 7 dance studio and the teacher Iery seems delightfully nutty and I can wear normal work out gear and move up to point shoes. The very same shoe that I've had a "mild" obsession with since I was a little girl. But then again who hasn't?

I'm going to the Library today to try and check out a etiquette book reading them seems to make the world a better place always.

Anyways that's all the of up dates I have for now.

Love and Excelsior!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Style Icon: Dolly Parton

I love this woman! Even since I saw her in Steal Magnolias where she played a wise hair dresser (one of the reason's I wanted to be one) I was in love with her style and the lovely way in which she carried herself.

The thing about Dolly.

I can't tell you how much I need sweet yet stronge female influences in my life. To listen Dolly Patron tell her own story, is in a word ah-mazing. I'm not going all VH1 behind the music on you but the woman's story is an effen Cinderella tale like no other her and her like 19 million brothers and sisters lived in a one bedroom cabin in the Smokey Mountains . Her grandfather played something, gutiar, fiddle something the important thing is that he taught her music and from there she somewhere along the way to stardom discovered big hair and things that sparkled. But more so something amazing happened she stayed NICE or she is the best actress in the world!

And say what you want about the woman, she has her own theme park! Again, Ah-mazing!

Here are some Dolly favs of mine.

Get out your rat tail combs, glitter, clip-ins and hairspray ladies! It's time to Dolly yourself up in every way! I'm more of a fan of self made glamour and at her core she's said it herself she's just a Backwoods Barbie, and I couldn't love her more.

Love and Excelsior,

Monday, March 8, 2010

The Monday list.

I'm trying to get my life in order so the best way to do this, something I'm very bad at is Listing. Listing isn't just about to do's I'm also going to focus on the things that I really have a problem with: the to don't's.
First things first for this week: The to do's

For Work:
Clean out my two bottom drawers if my station and cut my foils.

Pay my very late booth rent. Opps.

Touch base with the Artist of the Month for there show. Why are they so flaky and difficult to get a hold of?

Go Color shopping (make a list first Leia so you're not just staring at a wall of color with a blank look on your face!)

For Burlesque:
Copy corset pattern and get to sewing! (Stitch and Bitch on wednesday!)

Find out when Ballet classes are.

Get more rhinestones and E6000 glue (the best glue there is!)

Save 50 dallors each week for Sep. Burlesque festival. Rad!

For Play/Networking
Need to go to more art shows.

Make some "mixtape" cd's for shows and salon.

Beat the tar out of Randy at Sonic Racing All-stars!

Now for the Don't's:

Kill your boss everyone he makes a lame ass snide comment. Just think to yourself "It's okay he can't even do color." then smile.

Forget to call those asshole credit card people. I HATE dealing with them.

Reveal whom you hate in the "scene" as far as everyone (Save for Bella and Borgia) I love everyone and they're all doll faces

Get drunk before going on stage that kind of behavior is saved for when you are in clear heels and spinning around a bass pole.

Limit myself (can go to all of these categories really)

Think slapping your man in public is cute. It's not really.

Read an Emily Post book, lord knows I could use it.

Love and Sparkle Cupcakes